Monday 15 August 2016

Generation Of Electricity : Nuclear Power Plant

When we think about nuclear energy, OMG!!!! it's dangers and cause radiation. Of course if accident happen. An American scientist make an atomic bomb in Manhattan project to end the world war II. The first bomb hit the Hiroshima and after three days in Nagasaki. The war ends,but one of the world greatest scientist know about this atomic bomb will release enormous amount of energy by using the famous formula known E=MC2. He is the greatest scientist Albert Einstein.

By using his formula, scientist use this nuclear energy into electrical energy to power our homes. So how this enormous energy produce electricity? Well we going to know about it.

Based on the picture above we going to learn how nuclear energy is converted into electrical energy. First in the reactor vessel has radioactive material like uranium 236. This uranium is unstable radioactive material and make a chain reaction with another uranium. this chain reaction will split the atomic nuclei by neutron. This will produce huge amount of energy in the form of heat energy. The more the chain reaction, the more energy according to the formula E=MC2.
To much of heat can because disaster. So the control rods will decrease the chain reaction to stablize the heat. This heat will boils the water and produce steam. This steam will spin the turbine and rotate the generator to transformer then to the transmission line. 

This is how nuclear power plant turn nuclear energy into electrical energy. This power plant can last long in thousand of years compare to other power plant. This is good for us to power our home for thousand years. If a nuclear disaster happen, the radioactive will spread by wind and dust and you will be effected by the radiation.


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