Before using hydroelectric,nuclear,wind and solar fossil fuel and biomass are mostly used in factory to produce products and generated electricity. In industrial revolution on 1800s,coals are used industrial to increasing production and transportation. Biomass not officially used in industrial era,but there's difference and similarity between it. So let go through the process of generating electricity by fossil fuel and biomass
Fossil Fuel
Fossil fuel formed by decayed remaining of dead plants and animals that live millions of year like dead T-REX from Jurassic park movie. When the dead plants ad animals buried deep under the layer of earth, the high pressure and temperature converted into a fossil fuel. Fossil fuel like coal,petroleum,natural gas are used to generate electricity by thremal electric power plant.
When the coal is burn in the boiler,it produce hing temperature steam that make the turbine to rotate in high speed. When this happen,it will rotate the generator to produce electricity. The cooling tower will let out the some air to the atmosphere and some air are recycle back to begin the process again.
Biomass are the organic waste like rotten plants and agricultural waste like from oil palm trees and house hold sewage. This organic waste produce methane gas and alcohol. These methane gas is burn and produce high temperature steam that rotate the turbine and the turbine rotate the generator to produce electricity. The remaining waste are recycle and let out in atmosphere.
Advantage and Disadvantage of Fossil fuel and Biomass.
Even both generate electricity in high efficiency,but there's also some advantage and disadvantage to the environment. So lets briefly look at it.
Fossil Fuel :
Advantage : Disadvantage :
1) Produce electricity 1) Air pollution increase
2) Power homes in entire city. 2) Effect of green house gas
3) Occur disease in humans
Biomass :
Advantage : Disadvantage
1) Renewable energy 1) Bad smell of decomposing organic waste
2) Produce electricity 2) lots of waste during process
3)Carbon free
We have so many ways to produce electricity. Although solar,wind and hydroelectric are used,but some countries are still using fossil fuel as source for generating electricity. It is not wrong to used fossil fuel,but we have limit use for make our environment carbon free for future generation. Our environment is in our hand. It's our responsibility to take care our earth.
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