Wednesday 25 May 2016

Best conductor for electricity.

Conductors are nerves for electricity. As usual if a current need to flow it's need conductor. A good conductor gives a good current flow, doesn't mean the conductor is perfect. It has to face some resistance to avoid conductor get heat. So now lets know the best conductor for electricity.

 1) Copper

When comes to good conductor of electricity in your mind, you first thought about conductor. Yes it's a good conductor,but doesn't mean it has no resistance. It has resistance but low. Copper are used i electrical wiring and its has size depends on cable for installation. Copper is heavy,so you need a strong hand to carry and so expensive too.

2) Aluminum 

Aluminum is a good conductor too.but it has high resistance than cooper. Aluminum still use in electrical wiring,but in come cases like reduce cost or temporary wiring. Aluminum so light enough to carry even your hand isn't strong. It's not expensive.

3) Brass

Brass is a mixture of copper and zinc. It is a good enough to conduct electricity. It's so rare in electrical wiring. It has resistance,so it doesn't require to install in wiring.

4) Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is form of steel containing chromium and resistant to tarnishing and rust. It used in making refrigerators,knife and so on. But It also used in electricity but also rare like brass and it resistance is high. Expensive and heavy too.

5) Silver

 When mention about silver,don't be surprise.It's a pure conductor than any other conductor. If sliver is install in your house wiring,OH BOY you are so rich!!!! Silver is so expensive and heavy. People won't buy silver for electrical installation because in electrical wiring and any other installation copper and aluminum are best choice use.

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